Friday, April 10, 2015

Ad Astra Schedule and Other Updates

Since it's been a while, here are a few updates!

I spoke last week at the Waterloo-Wellington branch of the Canadian Authors Association (CAA). We talked about handling your own blog tour from planning to execution, and we talked briefly about social media skills. It was my first official non-convention speaking engagement, so it was pretty exciting.

There were about ten people, so it was small, but everyone had excellent questions and it was a pleasure to know that I was helping some people get promotion activities off on the right foot.

The week before, I was on Daytime with Susan Cook-Scheerer on the local Rogers station in Kitchener to promote the event along with author, client, and president of the CAA branch Vanessa Ricci-Thode. Unfortunately I don't have any video of the appearance; however, I have a lovely snapshot thanks to Daytime's social media. No, Vanessa and I were not aware we would blend in with the furniture. ;)

In other news, I have been working with a gorgeous and well-written publication called Dirge Magazine. It's all about dark culture, dark entertainment, and powerful real-life stuff, too. Indeed, I had an essay published with them yesterday about a deeply troubling experience finding out a friend of mine was actually a predator: "The Unsettling Case of Andrew Barber".

I still work with authors and publishers of course, but I am expanding my services into working with small local businesses, too, and one of them is culinary nutritionist Andria Barrett. She does classes, one-on-one work, and personal training, and she's a friendly dynamo of a woman. If you want help with diabetes education or fibroids, she's the one to call. OK. I am a little biased.

Finally, I will be at Ad Astra, as I have been every year since 2009. I have a very busy schedule this year! If you want to chat I will likely be around at parties in the evenings, but you may also find me in the bar meeting with clients. Feel free to say hello any time and we'll see if we can make some time to visit. Below please find my panel schedule, but I'll also make stops at the Can*Con sweets party, the Bundoran launch, the EDGE SF&F launch, the late-night slash readings, and lots more.

No programming Friday

Sat 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM : Remembering Leonard Nimoy
Sat 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM : High Quality Self-Publishing
Sat 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM : Hannibal: Horror and Monsterous Beauty

Sun 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM : Publicity Campaign Workshop
Sun 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM : Protecting your Intellectual Property in the Age of the Repost

That's all the news fit to print for now. I hope to see you this weekend at Ad Astra if you're local. Keep an eye out for more updates in the near future!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

nEvermore, a New Kind of Anthology. Edgar Allan Poe Time!

One other post today. This time it's all about an Indigogo campaign for an Edgar Allan Poe-themed anthology called nEvermore that celebrates both mystery and horror: the two things Poe did so well. Please click the raven below and take a look. It's edited by the esteemed Nancy Kilpatrick and Caro Soles, and it will be published by well-respected Canadian publisher, EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing. I am working with them to get the word out about the campaign, so I would (and we all would) be deeply grateful if you contributed and helped us spread the word.

And hey! Writers! It will also mean calls for submission for you writers, so there may be something in it for you down the road! So yes. Click the Raven. You won't be sorry.

My Can-Con Schedule: Ottawa Awaits!

A rare day of two blog posts. Here's the first one for your reading pleasure. -- Beverly

This weekend I am attending Can-Con, a science fiction and fantasy convention (with a little horror and comics thrown in for good measure,) in Ottawa. As an immigrant to Canada I am especially excited that the hotel is only a few blocks from Parliament Hill. I plan to walk down and hope to get a few people to join me. It's likely to be a slow, easy walk since my lungs are still in the throes of a lingering chest cold. Breathing. It's hard sometimes. :\

But I digress. My schedule for this convention is quite simple.


Whatever I feel like doing.


Whatever I feel like doing.


Noon, in Room 2: What does a publicist do and what can a publicist do for you? This one is me and one of my clients, the delightful Marie Bilodeau, author of the Destiny series and much more.

1 pm to 3 pm, in Room 5: Private consultations with yours truly. It is for online image and social media critique and advice. This means you get free coaching and see what kinds of services I can offer aside from traditional publicity. These are very limited, so sign up at registration early!

Important Convention Links

Panelists. I like this one because I am on top. Yay alphabetical order!

Special Events. I like the look of some of these, especially the horror film screenings!

Pocket Program. Always a useful item.

Hope to see you there this weekend. Please don't hesitate to say hello if you know me from online! Have any questions in the meantime? Email me here. Also, one more plug for my mailing list! You pretty much only get notices when I post a blog post, so it's a quiet list. You can sign up for that right here. And you totally should!