

I have packages and services for all budgets, even yours! Contact me directly to discuss your unique situation, or see a more detailed list of services below.

With a major publisher, but don't feel like they care enough about your book? I have clients who are with major publishers as well as clients with small and medium publishers--and a couple of self-published creators, too. Whatever your situation, I give you the personal attention and effort that you deserve so that you have more time to create.

Media Contact and Blog Tour
I put my professional research training to work for you, finding appropriate contacts for your work. When creating your contact list I consider many factors, such as:
  • The publication or blog's readership and reputation
  • Whether the contact has positively reviewed your kind of work in the past
  • What themes and elements in your book will be a good fit for an event, publication, radio show, podcast, blog, column, or website
I then craft personalized queries for each contact that take all of these things into consideration. Once those are sent, I handle follow-up, interview/guest blog scheduling, reminders, proofreading and line editing, and anything else you need.

Marketing Plan Creation
Need a hand creating a marketing and publicity plan for getting your book in front of readers? This service is a great alternative for someone who wants to save money by going DIY, or for creators who simply prefer to do their own publicity work.

Blurb Query or Convention and Festivals
These work similarly to the media contact and blog tour service, with a naturally different target audience.

Copy Editing
For short stories, comics, novellas, and novels. I will consider many different kinds of projects; but specifically I like to do this for books in which I am coming into the publicity planning process early. It allows you to have a better book, and me to deeply understand the story and the world before I plan the marketing. You should still have an editor helping with your structural issues; but, I'm here to help with the line edits and consistency issues.

Social Media Coaching and Image Management
Not sure about the best ways to use Twitter, Facebook, blogs, Google+, Goodreads, and all the other social sites? I can help. We will create a strategy together based on your available time and interest.

Want more help than that? Give me access to your professional pages and accounts and I will directly create and build relationships with your potential audience.

Press Release and Press Kit
If your project is the kind of thing that needs press-ready material, I will work with you to create a press kit or press release.

Coaching, Classes, Workshops, and Events
This mostly takes the form of one-on-one coaching calls; but sometimes I have a webinar or do a workshop at a convention. Contact me to set up your own coaching (email, Skype, phone, or in person if possible!) or keep an eye out for details on scheduled events.

I will also speak at your event for writers, comic creators, or any other geeky creative crew.

Job Interview Coaching
This one's for everyone, not just creative professionals! I have done several of these sessions and have met with good success and satisfied customers. Contact me for references. I will help you prep for your big interview via Skype, phone, or email, depending on what kind of help you need.

Don't see the service you are interested in listed here? Email me and I'll get back to you within two business days.

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