Thursday, May 8, 2014

GenreLitChat #2: Crime and Thriller

We're two weeks away from the next #GenreLitChat, and this time it's a crime! The lineup:

What is #GenreLitChat? It's an occasional Twitter chat with writers on the state of genre, and how their work does--or doesn't--fit. Learn about new books! Ask authors questions! Crack open a beer! Well, I guess that last part's optional, but please feel free. 

The date of this thriller and crime Twitter chat is Thursday, May 22nd at 8:00 p.m. EDT / 5:00 p.m. PDTWhen you join the chat, you can use this page ( which will focus only on the hashtag, and even automatically insert the hashtag for you if you ask questions or reply. Alternatively, you can follow the hashtag #GenreLitChat right on Twitter, but make sure you use the hashtag or your questions and comments may be missed!

You can send questions to me, the moderator, during the chat (@BeverlyBambury). You are also encouraged to send questions ahead of time to and I'll add the best ones to the list. 

Questions? Email me or ask in the comments. Hope to see you during #GenreLitChat in two weeks!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Amazing Stories Response to the Travelling to Cons on the Cheap Guest Post

A while back, Effie Seiberg was kind enough to author a guest post for me, The Cheapskate's Guide to SF/F cons: A Guest Post. It's been among the more popular posts on my blog with its useful info that balances being a fan and attending cons for fun, and the all-important business-savvy advice.

Today Steve Davidson, the head honcho over at Amazing Stories, wrote about his experiences at conventions on the cheap from when he was younger and contrasted that with the modern experience. He was kind enough to mention my thought that it could be different for women to do things like crash in rooms or (gasp!) hitchhike. I really appreciated this response and the contrast with how things were before I'd ever even heard of cons. So thanks, Steve!

Anyhow: I encourage you to go take a look at his post. Thanks, as always, for reading.

Friday, April 4, 2014

My Ad Astra 2014 Schedule

I only have a few panels this year at Ad Astra (which is in a new hotel this year--the former Polaris hotel), though I have many that I'd like to attend, and several launches and readings that are of interest. Clients Bundoran Press and the EDGE gang (Suzanne Church and Michael Martineck) are both having launch parties at the same time, so that allows for some sitcom-like fun of back-and-forth to parties! (Well. Maybe a bit.) I'll also be going to the Guest of Honour Brunch, and hopefully will sit with Patricia Briggs.

It's funny--I'd told someone recently that my Canadian business wasn't that robust, but given the number of clients I'll see this weekend, I've realized it's healthier than I thought. That pleases me. :)

Anyhow, I am bringing coupons for my April 13th Self-Planning for Self-Promotion Web Workshop, so if you're around ask me for a flyer. If I am out of flyers, I'll still give you the code, because I am a very nice person. ^_^

With no further delay, here's my official schedule. If I don't see you here, I'll see you around, I am sure. Looking forward to it!

Friday, April 4th, 2014

7 p.m.
Self-Promotion on the Social Media Soapbox. Along with me are Ellie Di Julio, K. V. Johansen, and Linda Poitevin. It's in Markham A.

9 p.m.
Marketing Tips and Tricks for Self-Publishing. Along with me are Candice Lepage, Sarah WaterRaven, and Thomas Gofton. It's in Newmarket.

Saturday, April 5th, 2014

3 p.m
Eyes on the (Literary) Prize. Along with me is Mike Rimar. Not sure if someone else will be added. It's in Oakridges.

Bonus Fun: The Cheapskate's Guide to SF/F Conventions